Announcement! Fall Book Release

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Hello, dear readers. To allow more time for pre-publication efforts, including book cover design to my satisfaction, I’ve decided to publish The Wrythe and the Reckoning in the fall season instead of in the spring. Though it could be published in the summer, TWTR is an epic-length novel and thus, summer isn’t the best time for its debut. TWTR is more of a “get cozy on cold nights and read a book” sort of novel instead of a “summer vacation and beach days” kind of read. It’s most definitely not a “light read” or a “quick read”. TWTR is rich in theme and content, and thus it requires more attention from the reader. October is my favorite month in the fall season. So, I’ve decided to publish TWTR during that month. The specific publication date will be posted in the near future, likely in September. Thank you all for your love and encouragement. It’s much appreciated. Have a great week and a wonderful spring season! =)

Yvonthia Leland