150 Pages (Possibly the longest chapter ever in a romantic novel)

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I may have possibly beaten the record for the longest chapter ever in a romantic novel, especially for YA and New Adult Romance. There’s a chapter in The Wrythe and the Reckoning that’s approximately 150 pages long. I happily await the backlash. =) I decided to design the chapter that way for specific reasons, and I absolutely won’t change it. In general, I think of my writing as art, and every word and every part of it is accurately designed and placed according to how I want it to be. The particular chapter is really more like a mini-book, a novella. If you’re interested in reading the novel you can do so, beginning on October 25th 2019. It will be available on Amazon and in local bookstores. I won’t say where the particular chapter is because it could be a spoiler for some readers. Also, before any unleash of backlash that may occur, just know that there are plenty of well-known novels that were written with very long chapters, and some novels have no chapter divisions at all. The fans of those novels don’t mind, because it’s all about the story. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the read. It’s a beautiful story, original and epic.