Trivia: Roses are a major theme in The Wrythe and the Reckoning. Can you guess what they represent in the story? (Four Words.) Here’s the clue: L P B F Scroll to the left to view the answer, or you can wait until after you’ve read the story.
[The Wrythe and the Reckoning {Book 1} is currently free on Amazon Kindle, for 5 days only. Kindle device not required. You can download it with the Kindle app. It’s also free with Kindle Unlimited. Book Discussions will be on Facebook @TWAReSagaBookDiscussion (under “groups”). Spoilers Alert! The book discussions contain several questions and answers for TWARe ,Book 1. So, beware of spoilers. It’s best to read the novel first before scrolling through the discussion page. (Links in bio.)]