So, I’ve been getting harassed lately by sweet-sounding but conniving individuals, regarding how my title and acronym “don’t make sense”—one of them on Facebook, and another on Instagram (the so-called-innocent questioning right underneath one of my posts, right here on this account. It’s the post with “Romantic Angst Galore” written on the image. Found this particular one on Twitter talking mess after sounding innocent on here.). There are more of them on Twitter, but I don’t go there much anymore.
They’re overly focused on those two concepts, the title, and the acronym as if planning to attack me somehow regarding them. (As if I wrote an 800-page book and gave it some random title, not knowing what I was doing. Wow, the silliness.) Well, the silliness is about to be squashed. No time for that, and when I have the time, there are better ways I prefer to spend it. So, for those of you against me, who are so affixed on “but your title and acronym still don’t make sense,” after I’ve explained it to you grown-up individuals repeatedly, enough already. Here it is for you yet again, officially, to refer to as necessary.
My Provoked and Annoyed Answer: Art (ring a bell?). Artist (ring another bell?). Literary Artist (bells bells). Freedom to title my book whatever I want to title it (more bells). Both the title and the acronym are “a play on words”/”wordplay”. Google it and Wikipedia it. Does “The Importance of Being Earnest” ring a bell? And by the way, the play on words for the title is for the word “WRITHE” not “WRAITH”, as one of them adamantly insisted, regardless of what I told her. Again, as if I don’t know why I gave my own book the title I gave it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_play
The Title Explained –
Short Version: “The Pain and the Realization”
Long version: To cringe as a result of experiencing pain, whether physical, psychological, emotional, from oppression, from racism, from sexism, etc.
The Acronym Explained –
“T” = The
“W” = Wrythe
“A” = And
“Re/RE” = Reckoning
(I simply dropped the second “t” in the title. Again, a play on words/wordplay.)