The above image is the title page that I sent to Amazon KDP for the ebook, and the bottom image is how it’s posted in the “Look Inside” feature on the website. At first, I thought it was published this way in the ebook, and I was baffled because that’s not how it appeared in the KDP preview before officially publishing the novel. (At that time, I double-checked the KPF files thinking that perhaps I had done something wrong, and I hadn’t. Everything was fine. The issue was on their end.) After doing some further investigation, I learned that the title page is in-fact fine in the ebook publication, and only altered within the “Look Inside” feature. Items and fonts must have gotten jumbled when condensing it for the preview feature on Amazon. I’ve contacted KDP regarding the issue. Hopefully, they’ll fix it soon. If not, at least the ebook title page is accurate as to how I originally published it.
The Title Page of TWARE vs How It’s Posted in the “Look Inside” Feature
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