If I can be useful to help improve matters in our society, then I will be. I encourage the same to you all also, to help end the hatred, racism, discrimination, and brutality against people of color and other minority populations in our societies. This is a stressful time, and it’s very sad. We’ve felt the pain, the anger, the sadness, the pressures, the heat, all of it while trying to manage our regular lives. But we must unify and act. You don’t have to sign every petition, but this is a dire situation and you should sign as many as you can manage to do so. Signing even just one petition, it means a lot. I’ve posted only a few of them, as there are many. There are several more petitions online, including at Change.org. Please search for them and sign them, as many as you can manage to sign. Change.org is an emotionally difficult site to browse through, as the stories are quite devastating and provoking. But help is needed for justice and reforms. So, if you can, please do take some time to visit the site and sign those petitions. Also, this is a worldwide problem. Though I’ve posted petitions only for the issues in the United States, other nations—Europe, Brazil, Canada, India, Etc need reforms too. As such, please be aware of that.
Links to Petitions:
*NATIONAL ACTION AGAINST POLICE BRUTALITY! PROSECUTE POLICE WHO MURDER UNARMED INDIVIDUALS! – https://www.change.org/p/national-action-against-police-brutality-and-murder
*HANDS UP ACT – https://www.change.org/p/us-senate-hands-up-act
*PETITIONS FOR RACIAL JUSTICE – https://www.change.org/t/racial-justice-4?source_location=topic_page
*PETITIONS TO HELP END POLICE BRUTALITY – https://www.change.org/t/police-brutality-4?source_location=topic_page
*PETITIONS TO HELP END RACIAL DISCRIMINATION – https://www.change.org/t/racial-discrimination?source_location=topic_page