And Yet Again, A Violation of Civil Rights.

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Plain and Simple: Two police officers managed to walk up to a black man whose back was turned and who was allegedly non-compliant, and instead of tackling him, they shot him (one in particular as the other one watched). He didn’t shoot him in the leg to stop him but instead shot him in the back seven times. These injustices are occurring again and again. Do you know what this says? Instead of being adequately trained to protect and serve, they’re being trained to kill. “Anything you shoot seven times you meant to kill it. This officer intended to kill this man, and that is against the law.” Tim Black [Video – “Jacob Blake Shooting Reaction|Tim Black”] And the key officials, those government leaders who have the power to make changes, they’re looking the other away, pretending it’s not a problem. This is both a police problem and a racism problem (YouTube search “Michael Bell Kenosha.”) Civil Rights Are The Law. Prosecute Corrupt Cops. Defund/Reform The Police. Be Progressive, Not Tolerant. Black Lives Matter. Brown Lives Matter. Nationwide boycotts are in the works, and they’re long overdue. Prayers for Jacob Blake and his family.