Before we know it, it’ll be November.

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Fall season is surely here. Then, before we know it, it’ll be November. I’m voting Biden/Harris and hoping for the best. I wanted Bernie to be president, but now we have the duty of voting to get the fascist out of the White House. So, with some recommendations from those who are well-educated on the subject, who are insisting that we now focus on getting Trump out of office, I agree, and I’m thus voting for Biden/Harris. I will say this in addition, because some activists may not already know, if you’re not ready to fight in a Civil War, after election day stay out of the cities (out of the areas where any protests are happening). DO NOT go to any protests unless you’re ready to fight like a soldier, meaning you have weapons and you’re ready to use them. Like I mentioned before in a previous post, where peaceful protests aren’t being heard, boycotts are the answer (nationwide boycotts). Enjoy the fall season, everyone. Only God knows what will happen on November 3rd and thereafter. This fascism storm is heavy. Brace yourselves, and remember the North won.