“The earth is the mother of all people..”

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Christopher Columbus, the individual who sailed around the world and finally “discovered” the Americas, which were already inhabited by indigenous peoples who had been living there for thousands of years. Happy Columbus Day… Not! I will not celebrate Columbus Day, and this year, I’ve decided to post a quote by Chief Joseph, a North America Native whom he and the people of his tribe (and those of all the other tribes in the Americas) suffered at the price of this so-called “discovery.” For anyone reading this who’s not Native, just imagine having experienced what the Native Americans experienced, not only you but your children, your family, your relatives, your friends, your neighbors, all your loved ones, all your peoples. On this day, especially, let’s be aware and remember. Furthermore, that history is all on record, not only here on earth but also in heaven. You think He forgot? He hasn’t forgotten. They will have their justice. #RemoveColumbusDay #MakeColumbusDayNativeAmericansDay #BrownLivesMatter #NativeAmericanLivesMatter [Image Source: Wikipedia.org. For a more accurate history regarding Chief Joseph, I recommend “First Nation History” by Daniel N. Paul at DanielNPaul.com/ChiefJoseph-NezPerce.html.]