November 3rd (Beware!)

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Video: “Trump is Planning a Coup in November, and This is How he’ll Do it,” by Vaush (on Youtube). Sure enough, when I arrived at the voting station a few days ago and signed in, the computer stated, “absentee received.” I never received my absentee ballot in the mail after I had requested it, and it’s as though someone had already filled it out for me and sent it in. Thankfully, I was told by the representative there that the vote that will count is the one I’m making today (the vote I made on that day when I walked in). So, if you can do so, progressives, please go to the polling stations and vote, but do wear a mask. The sooner you go, the better, as the closer it is to November 3rd, the more crowded it may be. Peace and take care. Much appreciation to Vaush for the video. For more political info and his commentary, check out his website at and his youtube channel “Vaush.”