FDT—2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020. #NispseyHussle (Rest in Peace) #YG. Over a million streams on Itunes on Election day, and the streams continue. This song spoke volumes when Nipsey Hussle and YG first published it in 2016, and it speaks volumes now. “FDT” is revolutionary, being that it speaks of peace, love, freedom, and justice. With all that considered, and more, it is a warrior song. Again, over 1 million downloads on election day alone. This song is for all the children who were separated from their families and many of whom still haven’t been reunited. (We haven’t forgotten.) This song is for all the people who died from Covid due to the severely delayed response and the lack of adequate care from the Trump administration. This song is for all the blacks, browns, and whites who were killed by way of police brutality during the Trump administration and for the Trump administration further enabling corrupt behavior from such the police officers and other officials, doing so by staying silent and, at times, verbally rewarding the corrupt. This song is for all the individuals who experienced racism during the Trump era as a result of it having been encouraged by Trump’s racist remarks. #FDT! #BidenWon #StopSayingFraud #ThereWasNoFraud #WeVotedForBiden #BidenHasThePopularVote #BlackLivesMatter #BrownLivesMatter #TransLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter #DemocracyMatters #TruthMatters #BidenIsPresident [Image Source: Music Video – “YG & Nipsey Hussle “FDT (Fuck Donald Trump)” (WSHH Exclusive – Official Music Video)”]
#TrumpSupporters #Trumpists #MAGA #Magats #MillionMagaMarch #Biden/Harris #Elections2020 #VotingBallots #MailInBallots #ElectionFraud #VotingFraud #Bullshit #BidenWon #BidenIsPresident