The Double Standards in the Justice System.

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Mike speaking on the double-standard regarding Kyle Rittenhouse being released from jail after unjustly killing two individuals, and upon leaving jail he was treated as a hero by the alt-right community. “Think about how outrageous it is that police officers will respond to Black Lives Matter protesters, even peaceful ones, with violence, but individuals, armed thugs from militias, will show up with guns and they work with them. Who’s actually violent, the people with the guns or the people with the signs?” Mike Figueredo, Humanist Report (2:17-2:40.) So true! The injustices regarding this case is more proof that the American justice system needs reforms. Thanks to Mike Figueredo for the report and commentary. Check out his Youtube channel at The Humanist Report and on Insta @Mike.Figueredo. [Image Source – Video: “Ocasio-Cortez Points Out the Double Standard of Kyle Rittenhouse’s Release.” Humanist Report (via Youtube)]