Scam likely! Remember that every time you find a troll. It’s usually their number one motivation. Take a look around on their platforms, and you’ll soon understand. Watch out for those “pay for reviews” emails. (By the way, troll sympathizers are likely also trolls. So, beware of them too.) Also, be sure to visit Writer Beware at It’s a valuable resource that reveals many of the scams that are prevalent in the writing community today. It hasn’t revealed all of them yet, but several of them are posted there. Two other cool organizations I recommend for indie writers are IBPA (Independent Book Publishers Association) and ALLI (Alliance of Independent Authors). There are others, but at least those two. They’re excellent for providing credible resources, information about author services, the latest news, and an overall comprehensive education regarding indie publishing. [Image Source: “Scam Likely” artwork is from]