How You Can Help to End Slavery Around the World

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Human Rights are Civil Rights. They should be civil rights everywhere. January is Civil Rights Month, and I’ve decided that this year, I’ll acknowledge and speak up on the fact that there are still civil rights/human rights violations taking place in several regards throughout the world. One of those is slavery. So, in addition to making posts this month to remind those who don’t seem to know and understand that Black Lives Matter and Brown Lives Matter, I’ll also bring attention to the fact that slavery is still occurring throughout the world. Yes, slavery in various forms is taking place in several nations around the world, and it must be abolished everywhere that it exists. Please take some time to read the following article so you can be informed. Then, take action. You can take action on this matter in several ways, including speaking up against the occurrences of slavery. Search on social media regarding “modern slavery” so you can be informed about this horrendous problem that needs worldwide attention. You can then speak about it or share a post that you find would be helpful in informing others. In addition, you can give to the organizations that are helping to end slavery (such as Furthermore, you can also speak to your local elected officials regarding the matter. Article: “Countries That Still Have Slavery 2020”