You know who you are. For now, all I’ll say is this: In regards to your comment in your desperate-for-attention, author-bashing blog post, it’s probably because your imagination is dry and your heart is corrupted. A corrupt heart tends to develop when you’re a troll/BIF. (It’s called selling your conscience/soul and as a result, you feel nothing when you absolutely should.) Along with that, I have never seen so much contradiction on a blog. You literally have a post about “Gatekeeping in Indie Publishing” and how it’s wrong, another post about “Supporting All Indie Authors,” but then you have a segment on your blog where you’re bashing authors. #Scoundrel #BookTroll #CloutChaser #BIF #PretendActivistForAuthors #YoureReallyACareerAuthorBasher #CareerAuthorBasherwithAnAuthorBashingSegmentOnHerBlog #ICouldTagYouButImNotThatBored #TheyllFindYouAnyway #GoodLuckWithThatWhenTheyFindYourBlog #GoodLuckWithYourFirstPublishedBookCauseYoureGonnaNeedItTroll.
On Authoring.
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