A Documentary You Should Watch

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A documentary you should watch especially if you’re a progressive: “Matangi/Maya/MIA.” Though it premiered in 2018, I watched it yesterday for the first time. It’s quite profound and some parts are very upsetting, but it’s definitely one to watch if you care about human rights and civil rights. It’s for anyone who cares about humanity in general. I can say as a fan of MIA, and I think other fans of hers would say the same, we appreciate her for all the work she’s done to bring attention to the oppression that’s occurring around the world, especially that in Sri Lanka. She went through several struggles, and through it all, she not only persevered but she got her message across and some people heard it. Overall, she has set an example for other artists, including myself. This is definitely a film you don’t want to miss if you’re a progressive. There’s a lot to learn from it. [Image Credits: IMDB.com]