Author Experiences

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I stumbled upon another BIF some time ago, who, without any conscientiousness whatsoever, ignorantly claimed “nothing happens.” This is what happens when you’re oblivious to or you don’t truly care about the suffering in the world. Try majoring in something other than English, especially if you want to be a writer. That has been suggested by well-known authors time and time again. This is also what happens when you throw your book to a group of random people (NetGalley). Some more advice for you aspiring authors, be selective on NetGalley. There are trolls (scammers and thieves, etc) on there. Instead of clicking the “let everybody read my novel” button, I recommend selecting who gets to read your novel, because otherwise, the trolls will find it (watch those emails). The game is if you didn’t pay up as requested (payment to their scammer book reviewing organization), they’ll bash your book on their blogs and wherever else. Keep in mind, most readers just move on when they don’t like a book. But trolls, oh, no. And they put so much effort into their bashing. Also, in their posts, they won’t say a single nice thing about your book because then people might become interested. That right there is how you know em.

I found two who had targeted me, and I spoke up. They didn’t like that too much. Their fellow trolls then came out of the woodworks like: “how dare you? eek eek” in their screechy voices (LOL). The funny thing too is they usually tend to admit that they can’t write. (THEY ADMIT THIS ON THEIR BLOGS!) Them: “I’m currently a writer but my book has so many problems that I have to fix..etc etc.” Like, wow. Okay, what an expert you are. Really, it’s like stepping into a twilight zone. A couple of them have published books since, and oh, the reviews. You would think they’d write some winning novels, but Nope. These are self-proclaimed “experts” in the industry, and yet they can’t write worth a darn. Surprise, surprise. In conclusion, don’t appease the trolls. They’re a bunch of ignorant, untalented, narcissist industry fascists. Keep being you, and go only where you fit in. Those who are meant to read your story will find it, read it, understand it, and truly love it.