Blizzards and Brutalities!

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On another note, what was the point of the police officers pepper-spraying the 9-year-old girl when she was already in the police car? Also, why isn’t a parent or guardian required to be there when their child is being “controlled” by the police officers? Her mother said she wasn’t aware of what happened until she saw the video from the bodycam. These corrupt, unorganized police departments are the ones who provoke all the riots throughout the US. What the police officers were supposed to do (if the justice system was actually just) is to call a mental health professional to talk to the girl, to calm her down. Causing her pain by pepper-spraying her was uncalled for, and so was holding her by the arm the way that those police officers did. They treated her like a criminal when in fact she was having a mental health episode. Plain and simple, immediately, that call should have been dispatched to the emergency mental health department, but clearly, there isn’t one. The cops should have never shown up, only Mental Health. DEFUND/REFORM THE POLICE, ENOUGH ALREADY!