Stay true to your story.

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“Expressive Reading” vs “Robotic Reading.” Don’t appease the robots! Stay true to your story. Those who are truly interested in reading your story will read it expressively (like most humans tend to do) instead of robotically as though they’re robots. Feel free to keep it simple where simple should be and to make it complex where complex should be, as you see fit. It’s your art/your story, and it’s your right to take control of it. Make your art what you want it to be. If you don’t want your story to read/sound like a damn fairytale, then don’t make it read/sound like a damn fairytale. (The reality is not everybody likes fairytales.) Your artwork, your freedom. Just study the craft extensively (in various ways), and be mindful and sensitive where necessary. Read the earlier classics. Most of them kept it simple, and as a result, their story shined. If you want to make it extra, then make it extra, but it’s ultimately your choice.