Natural Instinct vs Political Brainwashing

So, I stumbled upon this video in my Youtube “recommends.” I watched it, and in doing so I found it to be very disturbing that though the woman as a young adult was initially troubled by the things Hitler and the Nazi Party were doing, she overlooked it because of all the perks she was receiving by being his maid. Okay, so I’ve been studying genocides lately, in some regard, and it’s been bothering me, especially how the majority population (usually that which also the “superior government” is made up of) can go along with the genocides that are taking place on the minority community. This has happened in a number of nations, including in Germany. I realize that not all those belonging to the majority group go along with such acts, but sadly it appears that most do. I found it strange that it was as though her instinct to get away from the villains just went completely absent. The natural instinct of humans when they witness such horrors is to be afraid and upset, and then to escape to safety while also getting away from the perpetrators who are committing the heinous acts, simply because those individuals are cruel and dangerous.

However, this woman and several others stayed working in Hitler’s household. In the same way, they tolerated the genocide that was taking place in the nation. Yeah, sure, years later she feels terrible about what happened, but that sure would have been helpful during the time when it was happening. By the way, for anyone who doesn’t know, the German population having been so heavily brainwashed is one of the reasons why after WWII the Allied militaries had to occupy the nation, so they could “unbrainwash” the people from what they had learned from Hitler and the Nazi Party. Just imagine that for a moment, and furthermore think of the Trump supporters, all the issues they overlooked and accepted regarding him. What I’m saying is, we have to be careful with who we listen to and what we read. To avoid being brainwashed by political parties or corrupt influencers, it’s essential to stay on the progressive/caring side so our natural instincts to care for others don’t fade away due to their desensitizing rhetoric.