Black History Month!

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Celebrating black leaders, heroes, artists, and innovators! Let’s celebrate them not only in the month of February but all year long. Also important, let’s remember that black history neither began nor ends with slavery and oppression. Before the greed, there were kings and queens, grand structures, undisturbed lands, and peace, as peaceful as people can be on this planet. During and after the greed, there were innovators, leaders, and other brilliant minds throughout the world who represented the true qualities of black people. They existed thousands of years ago and they exist today. I’ve mentioned it before, and I’ll mention it again. Before the fall of the Roman Empire, there was no racism in the world. People were not categorized by their race or skin color and oppressed or elevated accordingly. They were simply humans from this location and that location. Racism is a recent phenomenon, which began in the roots of greed. It speaks true to the scripture “For the love of money is the root of all evil.” Evil took its hold officially during “Conquest and Empire.” Remember that if you ever ask yourself whether, or if anyone tells you, black people were meant to be oppressed. History proves they were not, and this is why they hide it. End the oppression! [Image Credits: I found this beautiful artwork puzzle from LisasMakerSpace on Etsy. Be sure to check out her shop at]