Was Malcolm X a Progressive?

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Malcolm X is rarely recognized as a progressive, but he truly was. During his time, he was viewed as a domestic terrorist and a threat to America because he fought back, and he was on the verge of uniting people of all colors to fight back against the oppression from the corrupt establishment. In other words, the just ones/the peacemakers were potentially going to be the majority in the ruling class, and as a result, would have improved America so that it was a better place for everyone. Apparently, that was a threat to the establishment. These peacemakers were the “Progressives” of today, thus the Progressives vs the Alt-Right. This is one of the reasons why white allies are essential in helping to bring about peace and equality for people of color—because then a lone revolutionary or a few revolutionaries don’t have to carry all the weight on their own, weight that is, in totality, for the sake of bringing about peace everyone (“Not Me, Us”).

So, considering all that, was Malcolm X really the domestic terrorist they said he was? If black people weren’t being attacked in the first place, would he have had a reason to fight against oppression? The Black Panthers did the same, and they too were viewed as domestic terrorists. Were they attacking, or were they in fact fighting back? (I recommend listening to Malcolm X’s last speeches and also those of The Black Panther Party. Again, the last speeches of Malcolm X. You’d be surprised at some of what he said. Listen to MLK’s speeches too.) In conclusion, all the strife in the world has begun with corrupt beings. The fact of the matter is, no one has the right to oppress others. Not only is oppression the opposite of love, it’s a threat to an otherwise peaceful society. It provokes animosity, and it causes wars. The sooner corrupt beings get that through their consciousness, the more peace there can be for the people in the world. It’s really that simple. End the corruption! End the oppression! Don’t attack people and then turn around and call them “savages” and “criminals” when they’re in actuality only defending themselves against you, the original attackers.