The Fight for Change!

These protests are actually quite minor when compared to what could really happen, what the corrupt have asked for. When the people start bringing tools, that’s when you should worry. Until then, I recommend letting them speak, riots and all. However, it’s getting there. Just a matter of time, if the necessary reforms aren’t made. A brilliant song that sums it up nicely, “Steppin’ up in the club all tooled up like a thug, rub-a-dub-dub, rub-a-rub-a-dub-dub” (“Steppin Up” — MIA). For me, in this regard, I think boycotts are the best tool possible. Enh, but to each their own. Also, the Progressive Democrats are our revolutionary leaders. Y’all can lead this revolution and actually bring change. (Thanks to @RepMaxineWaters who’s already doing so.) The people will listen to you, but we might not wait for you. When it’s on, it’s on. (Regarding boycotts, see the next post, a video.)