End the Blockade on Cuba!

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What’s happening in Cuba is terrible. Imperialism must end, period. It’s been happening for centuries, and finally, it’s being recorded. History tends to repeat itself, and I’m afraid Cuba is headed back to how it was before Castro, back to the days of Batista. Imperialism is wrong! It exploits the nation’s resources and its people. I’m not pro-communism, but Cuba was much better off with Castro as president than with Batista. #FreedomforCubaNow! #SOSCuba! [Please watch the following video on Status Coup on the coverage of the protest for Cuba: “LIVE: End Cuba Blockade-Jenn From D.C.” (via Youtube). Keep in mind, however, that there are two sides of Cuba: pro-Fidel Castro and anti-Fidel Castro (in other words, anti-capitalism & pro-capitalism and anti-imperialism & pro-imperialism). So, please remember that when you’re watching the video and listening to the protesters speak. There’s also clearly a lack of awareness from some of the Cuban protestors regarding the oppressions that Cuba has experienced over the decades (i.e. a few protesters suggest to keep the embargo). The video can be unnerving at times to watch.] #EndtheEmbargoOnCuba #VivaLaCuba! 

I recommend also reading the following post regarding Cuba: “Is Cuba A Poor Country?” (Article Published in 2014) – https://bestcubaguide.com/cuba-poor-country-salary/