The Earthquake in Haiti.

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PBS NewsHour has provided a list of reputable charities to donate to.

On a side note, I’m so done with you fascist, white supremacist, fake Christians spouting that the reason Haiti has experienced problems is because it’s cursed. You forget your nation (America) slaughtered millions of Native Americans and enslaved millions of black people. You really think the Almighty gave the US government permission to do that, even though He said “Thou shalt not kill?” Where or where does it say in the bible that it’s okay to enslave humans? Please do tell. Question: Has Haiti committed genocide against any peoples? No, but America has, and not only in the United States, but it’s played a major role in the killing of millions of people worldwide in all sorts of wars and occupations for the sake of imperialism. So, F off you fake Christians with your victim-blaming because if any country is cursed, it’s The United States. As the scripture says, “You reap what you sow.” So, instead of shaming Haiti, perhaps you should be praying for America. Let’s just say, in every biblical prophecy I’ve read, “America” isn’t mentioned. Hmm, imagine that. Quite odd, considering it’s a superpower. So, huh, I wonder why. Conquest? There’s no telling for sure. Regardless, brace yourselves for the future, ladies and gentlemen and non-gender-conforming individuals, because America could change quite drastically.

In the meantime, for those who care about people regardless of color, please donate to Haiti for earthquake relief if you can do so. You’ll have to do your own research on which charity to give to, but those on the list at PBS NewsHour are known to be reputable. Prayers for Haiti!