An important message from Dr. Fauci in an interview with Trevor on The Daily Show. Please watch it, and please get vaccinated (while it’s still free). Very few people, if any, have died from getting the vaccinations. Yet, many who were unvaccinated have died from Covid, especially in the south. For my family’s experience, we got the Pfizer shot at the beginning of summer, and our only symptoms were sore arms, and we were fatigued. I also had a headache, which wasn’t terrible, and you’re not allowed to take over-the-counter medication. The symptoms lasted for only a couple of days, and overall they weren’t terrible. It was pretty much the same with the second dose. (You need two doses to be fully vaccinated.) I realize the vaccination symptoms may not be the same for everyone, but for the most part, they are tolerable. Just plan on sleeping a lot for a couple of days, eat healthy, and drink plenty of water. In addition to watching Doctor Faucci and also several others who are encouraging people to get the vaccine, I recommend watching also Dr. Vuong’s channel (“Duc C. Vuong” on Youtube). He’s excellent at bringing us up to date on the information regarding Covid, the latest variants, and also about the vaccinations. I stumbled upon his channel some time ago, and I was so glad for it. Also, it’s shocking how deranged the anti-vaxxers are. It’s like, hey, the doctors and scientists are only trying to help. Most of them got into their professions TO HELP PEOPLE. Just get the vaccine! Anyway, watch Dr. Vuong’s channel, Democracy Now, and others to stay informed. Have a Happy Fall Season. [Video: “Dr. Anthony Fauci – New Mandates & Convincing Vaccine Skeptics | The Daily Show,” via Youtube.]
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