End the Genocide! Freedom, and Justice for All!

Again and again, you overlook everything important (in every MIA review and mention). How about all the victims of war, especially the genocide and other atrocities against the Tamils. I know, ka-ching!, you soulless f*ck! @AFantano. I would ordinarily say to those reading this post, “Tamil genocide Google it,” but like for the Palestinian genocide, the truth is being suppressed by yet another fascist government and their allied governments, as always claiming that the victims who were only defending themselves against a fascist regime, due to being slaughtered, were the assailants. How appalling it is to call those who were defending themselves and their people “terrorists.” Again and again, throughout the world, it’s the same. (Oh, pardon me, for the Natives of the Americas, they were called “savages.”) The lies themselves told by the media, on the occurrences of genocide, is an atrocity of its own. But here, I’ve weeded out the corrupt dishonest articles and found one that paints a truer image of what really occurred during the Sri Lankan Civil War. Justice for the Tamils of Sri Lanka! Justice for all the victims of Fascist Governments! [If not prison, then hell.] “Sri Lanka War crimes: War Survivors Relive Horror of Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields” – https://www.indiatoday.in/world/neighbours/story/sri-lanka-war-crimes-lanka-army-war-ltte-139039-2011-08-08

Another credible source for learning more – http://www.tamilgenocideremembranceday.com/learn.html