Nonetheless, artists, especially the Progressive ones, rise and shine!

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Another case of “untalented so I critique and troll.” @AFantano, you wish you had half the talent MIA does, but unfortunately, all you can do is critique and troll. What a haterrr! You’re officially one of the trolls in the entertainment industry. Congratulations. FlyPirates 4 Ever!!!!

Youtube search “MIA Fantano” and try not to get upset, especially all you who know what her main focus has been. Like 95% of what MIA talks about in her music is Progressive issues, along with having awesome beats and lyrics. So, WTF? What bothers me the most about trolls, especially in the entertainment industry, is that they always have a corrupt agenda (in the least bad intentions). THEY ARE the puppets of gatekeeping. On the surface, it seems as though it’s just simply someone’s opinion, but there are reasons why slander and defamation are illegal. They cause damages where there should be no damages. Trolls have similar intentions (especially those who spew their unjustified opinions on a public platform as though they’re facts). It’s one thing and even justifiable if the artwork is damaging to an innocent person, a demographic group, or society in some way (or there are severe errors in some regard—horrible quality). Otherwise, if not, just STFU. When you don’t, quite simply you’re a troll. We have to say “oh, it’s just an opinion” in order to move forward, but in full reality, trolls, especially in the entertainment industry have cruel intentions. (Makes me wonder what Fantano’s are.) Nonetheless, artists, especially the Progressive ones, rise and shine! Trample on those trolls (figuratively), and break down those F*ckin gates!

Also, stay the F* out of Progressive circles, you fake A$$ Progressive (@AFantano). How do you have the audacity to mock a Progressive artist and also their art because it talks about Progressive issues and then be around in Progressive circles acting like you’re a Progressive? You’re horrible! More descriptively, your eyes are empty much like the space where your soul should be—E m o t i o n l e s s (Hint, hint: Sri-L4nkan War).