Have a Peaceful Winter.

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Have a peaceful winter, as happy and peaceful as it can be. Enjoy the good things. It’s getting crazy cold here in NY. Wherever you are, cold climate or warm, have a peaceful and fantastical (wonderful) winter. Some lofi music for you to enjoy during the cold months (mellow music to help melt the vehement ice that forms from the coldness of this world, until of course it’s ever necessary to be ice). Love, freedom, justice, and peace. Not completely offline; elsewhere in Progressive spaces, listening, learning, and understanding. Merry Christmas, and Have a Happy New Year 2023. [Music Credits: Canva (“Who We Are” by Gavin Luke)]

1. “Cold Winter” by Brazza Lofi” (on Spotify) – https://open.spotify.com/album/4vQIuo8zqTiRjD8UopJwz7

2. “Winter Lofi” Playlist by Matt Robinson” (on Spotify)

3. “Cozy Winter Lofi Lodge 2022” Playlist by Chill Ride” (on Spotify) – https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5ulFCW0jv8JXV87oGRNTYX

4. “Cozy Winter” Playlist by Lofi Girl/Various Artists” (on Spotify)

#winter2023 #lofimusic #lofiwinter #lofibeats #lofiplaylist #coldwinter #peacefulwinter #wonderfulwinter