Peaceful Government = A Peaceful Existence

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And We The People can’t rest, we won’t rest, on this issue until justice is served and the reforms are made. Peaceful Government = A Peaceful Existence. Savage Police (Even 1%) = A Savage Resistance. (“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” John F. Kennedy) So, who’s really to blame? Who’s causing this? This is the only language you seem to hear and understand, so the people have spoken accordingly. The wheel of humanity is set in motion and it can’t be turned in a backward direction. The people demand improvement. These are not protests of retaliation. These are protests for change, for justice to be served. (Not all protesters are rioters. So, don’t spin that narrative because we won’t buy it.) And this is all before the trial begins. So, imagine what could be. “The system cannot reform itself” (Cornel West, Interview with Anderson Cooper on May 29th, 2020). [Original Photograph Source:]  #peace #love #justice #protest